Guarding Your Digital Footprint: Savvy Strategies for Online Privacy From Gregory Michael Steinberg

Gregory Michael Steinberg

No, this isn’t another ‘top 10 most obvious ways to keep your info safe online’. Seriously, who needs to be told for the hundredth time to not click on suspicious links? Instead, let Gregory Michael Steinberg take a look at some of those other online privacy strategies that you maybe haven’t heard quite as much about.

  1. The ‘Incognito’ Myth Buster

Many think cruising the web in ‘incognito’ or ‘private’ mode is like having an invisibility cloak. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s more like wearing sunglasses indoors. While these modes might not save your search history or cookies, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) still knows where you’ve been. For real invisibility? Consider a VPN.

  1. Social Media’s Sly Settings

It’s not just about making your profile private. Did you know platforms often update their privacy terms? When was the last time you checked? Take 10 minutes every month just to re-familiarize yourself with what you’re really sharing, and opt out of anything you don’t like the look of. Tech entrepreneurs like Gregory Michael Steinberg would always recommend you do this!

  1. Embrace Ephemeral Messaging Apps

Snapchat started a trend: messages that disappear after being read. While it’s fun for sending goofy faces, it’s also a sneaky way to ensure your messages aren’t hanging around longer than needed. More apps now offer ‘self-destruct’ features for messages. Use ’em and smile!

  1. Audit Your Smart Assistants

Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant can be eavesdropping! Regularly review (and delete) your voice command history. Remember that time you asked Siri about that embarrassing rash? Yeah, she does too.

  1. Dive into Data Brokers

Data brokers scoop up your digital breadcrumbs, package them, and then… sell them. (Rude, right?) Services like ‘DeleteMe’ can help you remove your details from many of these sneaky sites, so you can have much more control over who knows what about you and when.

  1. Check Those Cute Quizzes

That ‘Which French Fry Are You?’ quiz is tempting, but it might just be a ruse to snag your data. If a random quiz wants access to your friend list, photos, or other data, it’s a hard pass. They could find out everything from your maiden name to which TV show you use as your security question, so better safe than scammed!

  1. Old Accounts – Digital Dust Bunnies

Remember that MySpace account or that forum you signed up for in 2009 to defend the superiority of waffles over pancakes? Those ancient accounts are just hanging out there, full of your data. It’s spring cleaning time! Close old accounts, and clear out those digital cobwebs.

  1. Webcam Worries

Taping over your webcam might seem a bit “movie spy-esque”, but it’s a simple and effective method to prevent unwanted peeking So, until you’re logging into that Zoom call or virtual dinner date, let your camera rock that tape-tastic look!

  1. Ditch Default Passwords

If your router’s password is “password123”, we need to chat. Default passwords are a hacker’s dream. Change them. And while you’re at it, name your WiFi something fun. “FBI Surveillance Van #334” will give your neighbors a chuckle.

  1. The Age of the Alias

Consider using an alias for non-official online signups. Does that cat meme forum really need your real name? The more anonymous you are, the less likely you are to get into trouble or get scammed notes Gregory Michael Steinberg.

The internet might be filled with scammers and data harvesters, but you don’t have to let them get you!

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